Round on the ends and Hi in the middle - OHIO

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick or Treat?

Checking in at 200 lbs. 2+ weight gain this week. ;-(

Well, I received my treats in the mail yesterday! I ordered the Chocoperfection bars and boy are they wonderful. I think I will be substituting these for my icecream this winter. I'm not much on icecream in the winter time, so these bars may actually help me get over the sweet tooth/chocolate cravings. I also am looking for a low carb hot-chocolate mix. If anyone out there knows of one, tell me please!!!! Well, this week was a gain week as I have had nothing but heartburn and acid stomach problems. Don't get me wrong, it's not from doing this diet. It's probably stress/work related as well as eating too many of the tortilla chips and cheese. I sometimes overdue them as they are my snack favorites. I have eased up on coffee and fried foods and also the chips. I did add more yogurt and I bought some of the Hood Calorie Countdown (used to be called Carb Countdown) choc milk. I drank a glass a day for a while until I got over this acid problem. I did gain two pound and I'm back up to 200 again. Oh well, back to the drawing board. We had a pig out day at work today for Halloween, but I picked at the fruit and the cheese/meat tray. I did have a small piece of tortilla wrapped with cream cheese and some meatballs, but I won't be eating much for dinner. I am taking it easy on my stomach. I have also started to walk/jog on my treadmill down in the basement at night. The weather has been too nasty to walk outside and it rains off and on now. Well, trick or treat everyone - Have a safe and Happy Halloween.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Jimmy Moores new Pod-cast - fantastic!!!!

Wow, what an uplifting experience, to be able to hear Jimmy's voice coming to you through your computer. It's like having your own radio tuned into your favorite channel. Now you can have Jimmy speak to you right from his website. Hear him get fired up about what he is doing and how you can benefit from all of his vast experiences through reading and living life "La Vida, Low Carb! I'm sure Jimmy will have loads to tell us and maybe even a guest speaker or two! Tune in weekly to see what he has to say. I've added the link to my side bar on my site so you can all experince this great pod-cast show. The Living La Vida Low Carb Show comes to you directly from Jimmy Moore himself, author of the wonderful book with the same title, Living La Vida Low Carb.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Whoohoo - size 12 jeans!!!!

Scales are still out and I'm begging my husband to bring them back! Weigh in at 198????

Well, I sure feel like I'm losing something, inches if not weight. I went shopping later on last week and I fit into a size 12 jeans. That is just one pair, as I have another in my drawer that is just so close to fitting. They have to be a size 11. They are super straight legs wrangler 20X. It'll take a few months more of this diet style to get into those. I did eat a few things last week that I wasn't suppose to. I guess it was a down weekend for me. It's tough staying indoors, as there are too many things to get in trouble with food wise. My husband still eats the junk foods, so I have to keep them on hand for him. I didn't get the low carb choc bars, as they've been out of stock for a bit and I just don't want to go there. I was thinking about going back on induction to jump start my slowness in losing. I may start today. I haven't been eating much in the mornings, as I have no time. I feed everyone else (everything else) and run to work....

I am so elated about being able to fit into a size 12, it shows. I had my hair colored with highlights and I'm sporting some newer fashions now that I didn't used to go near. I also bought some jewelry to go with things for fall. It's like a new me!!!! I just hope I can keep on going as work has been such a drag lately. Nothing is going right in that area. Seems like I can't balance work, home, myself very well. If I pick myself up, my home or work drops and vice versa.......I guess you can't have it all!!!!

I hope you all are doing better today, even if the blahs have come around. I'm hoping I don't get too depressed about a long cold winter, cause it seems like that's where Ohio is heading!!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Scales, scales, who's got the scales???........

Mo's Double Vision
Best of Breed Win - Jr. Black Otter Buck

Ack!!!! No readings, no scales. I have been without scales for a week now. I'm still waiting on them to come back. My husband lent them to a friend to weigh his experimental aircraft last tuesday and they haven't been back. I'm not really worried, as it's my tom week anyhow. You know, I don't even want to look in the mirror or try on any clothes THIS week. Yep, straight water weight gain. SO, better luck next week. I did have a great weekend. My little junior black otter Netherland Dwarf buck, Vision, came home with a Best of Breed win at a show in Dover Ohio. I got a blue ribbon and a trophy for my case. I went on to win best in four class, but we didn't make the cut. Too many big breeders there to compete against and the judge didn't really like ND's, you could tell. I'm attaching a photo of Vision, who is growin up nicely. Not much more to blog about this week. Too busy at work, and the weather isn't particularly being nice. Rainy, ugly and cold. Well, stick around, this is central Ohio, bound to change in a minute or so!!!! Have a great week gang - lose two for me!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Oh well - can't lose them all in one day!

Check in at 199 for another week - must be a stall week.

Oh well, like I said, you can't lose them all in one day or week. I have to be patient. It's not like I put it all on that fast either. This has been a long, long road and now I am traveling down a new path way. This one is paved with healthier benefits and great kudos if I stay on it. There are new clothes, a better feeling, a clearer head and of course, the mirror loves me back!!!!! YEAH!

I'm working on my rabbits this week as I have a big show in eastern Ohio and I want to go with winning rabbits. I will be working out in the barn after work all week, so I should try and get on my treadmill late at night or earlier in the a.m. for workouts. The weather is getting colder and it is going to rain, so I best start planning my workouts in the basement. My dogs aren't happy about that, maybe I should teach them how to use the treadmill too!

I did clean out my closest and I took all of my large size (18's) to the second hand store and dropped them off yesterday. These are some of my designer office clothes that can be re-used as I make money off of doing it. I am now into the size 14's so I thought it best to move those 18's out of there. Fall is hitting harder, so I had to move my sweaters up too. Clingy sweaters look so much better on me now that I dropped that weight! I'm not so afraid of tucking in my shirts and wearing belts anymore!!!! Thanks Jimmy and Gang! Your the best!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Happy Birthday Darling!!!!!!

Checking in at 199 lbs. WOOHOO!!!!

(that's 10 lbs total loss on the 30 in 30 Weight Loss Challenge so far!)

Yep, that's right. I am having a great day today, no one can spoil it. I am dressed to the 9's and have a bouquet of tea roses to present to my husband when I take him out to his birthday dinner tonight. I told him that all of this wasn't possible without the help and support and adoration of my one and only!!! He has been with me through thick and thin (well, mostly I've been thick) HEE HEE. When he first met me at the tender age of 19, I was 140 lbs. That's when we used to run around in skimpy bathing suits when I lived near the beaches in SW Florida back in the early 80's. I've been married to this terrific man for 20 years, and have known him for over 25. I have also slowly gain all of this extra poundage and most came on after my son's birth and then more, after I moved up to Ohio in 98. I am now glad to say that I will be pre-Ohio weight soon. Once I hit that next mark of 180 lbs. I'm hoping to get closer to that before I leave to see my family in Florida (early Dec 06). I'm wanting that "drop the jaw look". I also have another big surprise for my mom and dad..... I'm bringing my husband and my son too. We didn't really plan it that way, but it turns out that it worked out for the flights and all. No one knows but my brother, who will be putting us up. So, another small goal is to get to 180, but I don't know if I can get there in two months time. Oh gosh, anything on the minus side is surely a PLUS!!!!!! Well, not much has changed in diet, just added the fish oil caplets and the calcium caplets and Co-Q10 and Royal Jelly as well. I do that to ward off colds and flus. Stamina too! Honey is a wonderful natural substance and the royal jelly comes from the queen bee. Keep up the great work gang, and stop and smell the roses along the way!!!

Monday, October 02, 2006

A shopping we will go..........

Mo-Better Rabbitry's Double Vision took home BOG/BOV on 10-01-06.

Yep, Vision took home two firsts yesterday. He won the first show with Best of Variety, Best of Group, and took Best of Opposite Sex Variety BOSV and BOSG (Group). This is his third show with firsts as a junior buck (male rabbit). I can't wait to see him grow up and win as a senior!!!

Yep, I promised myself. If and when I broke the 200 lb mark, I will go shopping. And shop, we did!!! I took my son, as my husband is terrible at looking at things. I went with him to his favorite store, American Eagle outfitters. I let him buy a pair of pants and a shirt, and I tried on a pair of junior size 14 hip huggers and I bought them. I was like a kid, giggling about it. I also bought a nice leather woven belt to go with them. Then I bought two pair of dress shoes and some perfume to boot!!! I went kind of wild with the shopping! It was all in fun and I promised this to myself a while back. Now, I have this other mark that is waiting to be hit. Yep, 180 is my next smaller goal. Another 20 lbs to go on that one. I'm hoping to get to this soon before I leave for Florida in December. I hope I can do it! My mom and dad won't recognize me. Incidentally, I didn't tell anyone in my family that I was going to start this. I wanted to keep it all to myself for a while, just to know I can do it!!! My son was inspired so he is now trying to lose some weight too. He isn't really "fat", he just has some weight around the middle he would like to lose.

I did discover that I don't lose any weight if I don't eat. I had alot of running around to do over the weekend, and I didn't eat as often as I should. I tend to store when this happens and not lose. So, I have to plan my weekends better with small portions of healthy snacks to go......

Have a great week!