Round on the ends and Hi in the middle - OHIO

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Oh well - can't lose them all in one day!

Check in at 199 for another week - must be a stall week.

Oh well, like I said, you can't lose them all in one day or week. I have to be patient. It's not like I put it all on that fast either. This has been a long, long road and now I am traveling down a new path way. This one is paved with healthier benefits and great kudos if I stay on it. There are new clothes, a better feeling, a clearer head and of course, the mirror loves me back!!!!! YEAH!

I'm working on my rabbits this week as I have a big show in eastern Ohio and I want to go with winning rabbits. I will be working out in the barn after work all week, so I should try and get on my treadmill late at night or earlier in the a.m. for workouts. The weather is getting colder and it is going to rain, so I best start planning my workouts in the basement. My dogs aren't happy about that, maybe I should teach them how to use the treadmill too!

I did clean out my closest and I took all of my large size (18's) to the second hand store and dropped them off yesterday. These are some of my designer office clothes that can be re-used as I make money off of doing it. I am now into the size 14's so I thought it best to move those 18's out of there. Fall is hitting harder, so I had to move my sweaters up too. Clingy sweaters look so much better on me now that I dropped that weight! I'm not so afraid of tucking in my shirts and wearing belts anymore!!!! Thanks Jimmy and Gang! Your the best!


At 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah, get rid of the 18's and never look back. I've been wearing drawstring pants for so long, I will have to get used to zippers soon. But for now, I'm glad I have the drawstring or my pants would be falling off!

You go, sexy mama!

Your rabbit is cute. I love rabbits! I just have some cotton tails outside that eat the clover.


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